Thursday, May 19, 2011

An Understanding Of Blood Pressure Levels Will Help To Keep Fit and Healthy

Although the blood pressure will vary throughout the day dependent upon what  we are doing, our pressure should nevertheless continue to be within a normal range. For the escalating number of individuals who have had an issue with their blood pressure level routine daily checking plus a very good knowledge of blood pressure ranges is vital.

Blood pressure is normally defined as being low, normal or high and for each there's a range of good upper (systolic) and lower (diastolic) pressure levels. the systolic levels in mm Hg for low, normal and high blood pressure respectively are 50 to 90, 110 to 130 and 140 to 210. Similarly, the levels for diastolic pressure are 30 to 60, 75 to 85 and 90 to 120.

An acceptable blood pressure level range can be affected by numerous factors like age and gender. For example, rising age will cause a slight increase in pressure because the blood vessels start to lose their elasticity. In addition, men are more inclined to suffer from problems than women. This is true even as ours age because quite a few pre- menopausal elements factor into the equation. Considering these kinds of factors can help us identify our perfect range.

Routine monitoring and recording of your blood pressure levels is vital to know whether you are remaining inside an appropriate range over time. This means finding the most suitable equipment and understanding just how to use it. Today we can easily use 'old fashioned' things like arm cuffs, glass mercury monitors, stethoscopes and graphs to evaluate your pressure or you can use an automatic electronic monitor which is much more convenient. Perhaps unsurprisingly the majority of people nowadays are turning to automatic arm and wrist monitors.

One important thing to consider when taking our own blood pressure level is that you should do so at the same time every day as well as in the identical conditions. For many individuals this means taking a reading every day right after we get up and possibly again in the late afternoon or evening after getting back from our job. If we run into difficulties taking our own blood pressure level then see whether we can arrange for another loved one, a neighbor or even a good friend to help out.

From the various monitors on the market today choose a style( for instance, a wrist or an arm monitor) that suits us along with our budget. More importantly, take and record our pressure daily and make sure that we comprehend the significance of the various blood pressure level ranges to enable us to recognize if a difficulty may be developing and speak to our health care provider.


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